Become a MexCham HK content contributor!

Become a MexCham HK content contributor!
You are a crucial part of our mission to promote business, commercial, and investment opportunities in Mexico, Hong Kong, and Mainland China. As such, we invite you to share your expertise, promote your business, and add value to our audience by contributing content to be shared on our website or in our monthly newsletter.
To participate in the program, you must:
have a valid membership with the Mexican Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong and
write a 300- to 1,000-word English blog article.
The article must:
Include a narrative to engage and add value to our audience.
Include multimedia whenever possible.
Submit the article in an editable format such as Microsoft Word Document, Pages, or Google Docs.
Ensure you have permission to use any copyrighted material, and references must be credited.
Include a short statement about yourself and the business or institution you represent. If applicable, share a website or social media accounts.
Be informative yet casual by including comments and opinions.
The MexCham HK reserves the right, in our sole discretion, to edit or refuse to publish any submissions with political, religious, or other content that we might deem inappropriate.
If accepted, articles will be published two weeks after submission or in the next newsletter, whichever is later.
Become a member (Click Here), and please send us your article to